
The main focus of doctoral studies are independent scientific research and writing a dissertation thesis.

Please take note of the following information when writing your dissertation: Information concerning the preparation and submission of academic theses

Further information on the use of publications in academic theses ("cumulative dissertation") can be found on the website of the Studienpräses office.

At the end of the doctorate, the dissertation is assessed by two reviewers. At least one of them ought to be from an institution other than the Universität Wien. The doctoral candidate and the supervisor have the right to propose these reviewers. The supervisor may be called upon as a reviewer only in certain justified cases, and in such cases a qualified external reviewer must also be called upon.

The assessors are appointed by the Studienpräses in consultation with the director of the study programme. After a positive assessment, the dissertation must be defended in a public defensio. 

Only those scholars who have confirmed their willingness to serve as reviewers may be proposed. Especially in the case of external reviewers, initial contact is to be made by the supervisor. Once a reviewer has confirmed her/his willingness, submit the following forms to us:

To apply for the assignmet of reviewers please submit the following documents by E-Mail:

For external reviewers you must also submit additonally:

  • The proposed reviewer’s academic curriculum vitae (one page)
  • A short and suitable excerpt from the list of publications

Please send everything to: ssc.historische-kulturwissenschaften@univie.ac.at

We strongly recommend applying for the assignment of reviewers - at the very latest - four weeks before submitting your thesis.  

The assessors are contacted by the Student Service Centre and receive information on the assessment procedure and the conditions of study law (e.g. the 4-month assessment period) as well as on the course of the defensio, to which both assessors are invited according to the guidelines of the programme management.

Submission of the thesis:

The dissertation must be submitted in both electronic (NEW: u:space) and printed form. On this, see:
Information concerning the preparation and submission of academic theses

The following documents are required to submit the dissertation (You need not wait for the plagiarism check!)

1.      Dissertation
You can hand in the printed version . 3 copies, hardcover,  printed on both sides -

  • during contact hours (appointment) at the SSC
  • outside opening hours in the porter's lodge on campus (Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 19:00).
  • Alternatively, you can also send us your work by post.  Please note that you are obliged to hand in your work in any case (§ 86 UG).

The cover page (bilingual and according to all formal requirements) will be generated in an automatic process, when you submit your dissertation by u:space.

Please consider the following information:

  • The title should be given only in the langage which was approved
  • Co-supervision should be included on the title page only if requested by your supervisor and approved; you were informed about this decision by email. Do not confuse the approval of two or more supervisors when your dissertation topic was registered with the separate issue of co-supervision at the University (§ 15 (11) of the Study Law section of the Statutes of the University of Vienna). You may not apply for the latter yourself and only those with the qualifications specified in the University Statues are eligible. If there was no application for co-supervision, do not include this line.
  • NO curriculum vitae should be bound in the work.
  • The thisis must contain an abstract in German, and when possible in English (in annex to the text, at least 100 words each)
  • If you submit a work in several volumes, a title page must be bound in all volumes and it must also be uploaded this way. On the title page below the title of the thesis make note of "Band 1 von 2 / Volume 1 of 2" (Band 2 von 2 / Volume 2 of 2).
  • If you submit a joint work, the co-author must be named on the title page. Under your name include the note "gemeinsam mit /in collaboration with".

2.      Upload confirmation, signed. On this, see:
Information concerning the preparation and submission of academic theses

3.      If relevant, your record of examinations (which can also be submitted separately from the dissertation either earlier or later)

4.     If not already done: Assignment of a thesis to reviewers  + Abstract (This must be turned in with the dissertation at the very latest, though it is strongly recommended to submit this form at least four weeks before dissertation submission; see above.)

5.      If applicable, a final progress report (optional, depending on recommendation of your supervisor)

If you have an academic degree, make sure that the academic title has been entered completely and correctly in u:space. If this is not the case, please contact the Admission Office!

After the plagiarism check has been completed, the assessors of your dissertation will receive the electronic version by e-mail. The review period is up to 4 months. You will be notified of the evaluation of your dissertation by e-mail to your u:account.
A positive assessment of the dissertation is necessary before you may register for the public defense.

You will be contacted to arrange an appointment for the defensio.